Weblate migration feedbacks / translation

Hello, I translated several strings yesterday and will probably update other ressources than app which are not complete or with check, unfinished string, needing review, and so on.

For app I got some feedbacks :

  • there are strings with “cdata” or URL which trigger enforced check like punctuation spacing. It’s not possible to dismiss the check as it is OK
  • there is also enforced check on how strings end. I have some instance where there are difference because it makes more sense. For instance “show podcast settings” where I added “…” as it is opening a screen / dialog. Should it be changed anyways? (I think main string should changed) Is it possible to allow me to dismiss it ?
  • Is there anyway to mark string as approved? If not I would adapt but it helps on some strings when you need to see them in app to be able to get back to them and correct them if needed

A side question : for a string marked as needing review will it be picked up anyways ?

I adapted the strings to remove the cdata part.

I think this is something we should discuss for the source string and then have all translations follow it. So it is actually good that weblate flags this

Just for the sake of completeness: In the meantime, you got a reviewer :slight_smile:

Unfortunately yes. That’s how weblate currently works. I’m not a big fan of this but we currently can’t change this.

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