Why does AntennaPod remove the new label when an episode is downloaded?


I’ve been testing out AntennaPod lately and really liking it.

There is only one thing that bothers me: I use auto-download and when an episode is downloaded, AntennaPod removes the “new” label. I would like to keep track of new episodes on the “Subscriptions” view, but the label is removed once the episode is downloaded.

I know that I can change the counter on podcast subscriptions to show the unplayed episodes. But as far as I know there is no easy “Mark all episodes as read” option right?

I am using Version 2.5.2

New tag is for episodes that had no interaction with them.
Once you add to queue or download them the tag is removed.

You can alternatively look at all episodes screen to spot recent episodes not read.


I found a way to mark all episodes as played. When selecting multiple episodes, there is an icon at the top right to select all episodes. Then i can mark them all as played.

Thanks for your help!

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