Will there ever be a way to remove a subscription without also removing the downloads related to the subscription?

As an example, I can do this in Google Podcasts.

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I remember reading somewhere in this forum someone say that the can’t do this because after you remove a podcast, they’d have to make a ghost podcast to accomodate the orphan (I didn’t chose the best word but you get the gist of it😂) podcast and it’d be a mess.

Why not try making a tag called Archive and stopping Podcast updates by going to that podcast’s setting and then putting the podcast in that tag (unchecking show this in main list)… it’s near… i do this with podcasts I no longer listen to but have a History to preserve hehe


This is basically an effect of the fact that AntennaPod is decentralized. We don’t have a central server that knows about all subscriptions. Once you delete a subscription, the app doesn’t know about that subscription (or its episodes) anymore. That’s why you can’t have episodes of a podcast that you are not subscribed to.

If AntennaPod had a centralized server, it could still ask that server for details about the removed subscription. This is why some other apps can do this. However, a centralized server has many disadvantages. You can find more details about advantages and disadvantages of centralized podcast apps here: Central and distributed podcast apps – AntennaPod


Before unsubscribing find and copy the downloaded folder for that podcast to another place then add that in as a Local Folder. Job done if I understand what are wanting to do.

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Is it possible that, when removing a podcast, an option could be made to keep the folder where the podcast episodes are saved to (not delete the files or the folder) and then make that folder into a local folder that is subscribed to (similar to the “Add Local Folder” in the subscriptions screen)?

I don’t think this is what users would expect to happen. I rather plan to just hide podcasts instead of deleting them. Basically the same that is already described here: Curating your personal podcast archive with AntennaPod 🗃 – AntennaPod just with an invisible archive folder


Yes. That is much better as it would keep the podcast description. Very nice.

I am still stuck on the local folder subscriptions for unintended uses. I digress.

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