Auto delete old played and un-played episodes based on time

App version: 3.2.0 (58081fe5b) from Google Play

Problem you may be having, or feature you want:
I would like the option to delete old played and un-played episodes based on two different durations since the the episode was downloaded or played. This is one of the features that the soon to be defunct Google Podcasts app supports.

Suggested solution:
In SettingsDownloads I would like to be able to set two different durations:

  1. Remove Completed Episodes after [some time]
  2. Remove Unfinished Episodes after [some time]

Of note: the first duration is based on when the episode was played. The second duration is based on when the episode was downloaded. If either of these conditions are true the episode should be deleted.

This is similar but not identical to Auto delete old unplayed episodes

Screenshots / Drawings / Technical details: