Player screen UX/UI work

Here we can share stuff related to the new player screen!

Here’s the process that we foresee currently:

  • explore/map how other apps solve the challenge (how they embedded the functionality in the UI/UX)
  • making 2 sets of wireframes, each with a different navigation approach
  • interviews with end-users to test wireframes/approaches
  • picking one approach & revision of the wireframes (incorporate users’ feedback)
  • feedback round with developers to check technical feasibility
  • making of interactive mock-ups (also incorporating developers’ feedback)
  • interviews with end-users to test interactive mock-ups (prototype)
  • implementation
  • interviews with end-users to test beta implementation
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Hi this is Zehra. Competitor analysis document - AntennaPod Competitor Analysis - Google Docs


@rauljimenez and @Zehra_Rajnagarwala I started here the competitor analysis from th UI perspective: Penpot - Design Freedom for Teams

We met again yesterday - some notes:

UX ‘requirements’:

  • Swiping is extra; should be additional to UI (for discoverability)
  • Ideally, swipe action should be hinted by content. If not, at least by icons or text (e.g. tabs)
  • When navigating with 1 hand, key actions should be within reach of thumb, and navigating should be possible

Four navigational approaches:

  • Swipe up (transcript)/left (description)/right (chapters), as per User feedback: swipe navigation from player screen (2.3 beta) → No. You don’t have a preview of what screen will come up, and only on bottom you can show a preview of the content.
  • One long screen with blocks that allow to navigate to sub-screens, as Spotify does → No. Looks cool, but you don’t have direct ways to jumpt to relevant screen (always have to scroll vertically)
  • Tabs on top & actions buttons on bottom, swiping left-right switches between tabs, swiping up opens special screen (e.g. queue). Like Podcast Addict does, and as ByteHamster suggested. → Can be an option
  • Tabs on the very bottom, action buttons just above (still below main player buttons), swiping up opens the tabs, swiping left-right can be used for chapter navigation (if present for episode). → Can be an option

We’ll further explore the last two by making wireframes for them.

Alongside this work, we can create a survey to ask input from users:

  • What do you expect to happen when you swipe left or right?
    • jump chapters
    • jump episodes
    • jump functional screens
  • Which actions do you expect to use most often? (sort most → least)
    • [list of actions]
  • Which screens do you expect to use most often? (sort most → least)
    • [list of screens]

Action points:

  • Make wireframes: @Zehra_Rajnagarwala with tabs on top, @rauljimenez with tabs on bottom
  • keunes to add screenshots of Fountain to app analysis
  • Start draft of survey (I can do this)

Next meeting: probably Wed 12 March

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