Podcasts Episodes with multiple and/or broken links


I have some podcasts that appear duplicated, not sure why. But some episodes only download from one of the versions.

Also, I think some podcasts also changed where they keep their files, and so, suddenly, episodes stop playing.

If I go online I can see the new urls in the RSS, so I’m guessing AntennaPod never updates this urls. Or it does not switch to the right one.

Is it possible to have it test all the links and download from which one is working?

I assume this is not the first time this issue has been discussed, but searching by “url”, “updated” and “modified” didn’t reveal any relevant threads. Maybe someone can help me find useful information about this?


The short answer is No. You can search on “GUID” for more details on this issue, and especially this post that @ByteHamster responded to:

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