Podcasts skipping back and over content during stream

Life Hack!
I won’t make you go read all my posts above so I am going to summarize what I have experienced.

  1. I am using the F-Droid version
  2. This issue only happens on podcasts that have ads inserted.
  3. I don’t stream the podcasts. I always download.
  4. When it happens, I delete the episode and redownload it and the problem does not appear for that particular episode.
    On accident I found a trick that works
    If podcast skips, I rewind and then hit pause, let it sit for 5 seconds, press play and boom, it doesn’t skip again.
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3.5.0f (300baf6dd)
Android 10

Same problem happens to me.
All episodes downloaded.
Sometimes repeats a section 2 or 3 times.