Sort episodes (in inbox) by time they arrive

i still have random problems with detection of files in local folder when they’re older than recent refresh (of inbox) (Files added from local folders are not added to queue (different problem) Problem with specific podcast - #2 by real_name)
and another quite reproducible problem with some podcasts where (some) episodes appear few days later but are marked with time their original release (available to paying subscribers with different rss feed, or to listeners of radio)
= to do not miss episode, after refresh i need scroll back few days to find them.
unfortunately there are such podcasts where i want to listen just minority of their episodes, so automatically adding all their episodes into my queue and remove unwanted is not practical too
= idea: what about new sorting mode for inbox (and episodes) folder(s) where they will be sorted by time they will be first time detected in device = even it is episode from friday, it could appear at the top because first time was found just now, at monday

p.s. example is podcast of dennik postoj, at soundcloud is the newest ‘c.s. lewis’ today 53 minutes ago Stream Postoj | Listen to music albums online for free on SoundCloud, at their (video) page is discussion ‘debata v redakcii’ 6.12 Video a podcast | Konzervatívny denník (lewis is not there), in antenna i see the most recent one ‘ako sa menil …’ 6.12 (2nd on soundcloud) = no lewis, no debata, but they will appear later

i must admit that last week’s ‘debata’ till now did not appear in app. instead of it now (21:00) appeared another item with (according to its position) early morning time = to find it in inbox for me means scroll few pages down