I am looking forward to some of them being more common like alternateenclusure and transcript as well as a new chapter option but it is hard to convince either producers and apps or hoster if nobody breaks the chicken and egg loop and starts coding support.
Any news on when changing artwork will be supported? At present, just the title album art is shown throughout the podcast (on Android Auto at least, I only use it that way).
No, I don’t mean the episode artwork (that works fine). I mean images that change during the show, which I’m fairly sure is a feature of P2.0. It’s used to good effect on Adam Curry’s show No Agenda. It works well on other apps such as Podcast Addict.
As such chapter art is already supported in AntennaPod. But maybe it’s indeed not working in Android Auto (yet).
Do you think we should create a feature request on GitHub for that @tonytamsf?