App translations moved to Weblate

Dear @translators,

We hope this message finds you well.

We are excited to share an important update regarding the AntennaPod translation process that will enhance our workflow and improve your experience as a translator:

We’ve moved app translations from Transifex to Weblate to have both web- and app translations in one system. This change aims to streamline our translation efforts and to simplify project management, making it easier for you to access and manage all translations in one place.

We encourage you to log in to Weblate, explore its features and review your translations. If you encounter any issues or have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out here in our forum. Your feedback is important as we work to improve our processes.

Thank you for translating! Because of you, AntennaPod is already available in more than 50 languages.

Best regards,

The AntennaPod core team


Will the comments also be transferred? In some cases in these, you can see the discussions that have led to the choice of a particular translation.



  1. [App store listing]
    1.1 [Screenshot titles]
    pt-PT and pt-BR are missing

  2. [Website]
    pt-PT and pt-BR are missing, in all subfolders

  3. [App]

It has pt-BR and Portuguese, but it doesn’t have pt-PT. I’d ask you to move the Portuguese to pt-PT, to make it pt-BR and pt-PT, there’s no need for Portuguese, it would only confuse users. And then everything would be pt-PT and pt-BR.

  1. [AntennaPod glossary]

There are 3, I ask you to delete the Portuguese one, so that there is only pt-PT and pt-BR.

  1. And I’ve come to ask to be a proofreader of the pt-PT so that I can do a complete review and approve it. I have a lot of experience, I’ve translated many websites, apps, etc…

Best Regards

how to report that mobile_download_notice does not support one-more-many?
or ask whether statistics_episodes_started or statistics_episodes_total is he-she-it-they?

Hi @femmdi

Thanks for the e-mail. In Transifex there was a role for translator, reviewer and coordinator. Does weblate has some kind of roles?

I’m asking because weblate is crowdsourced for translations and, many times, for Portuguese there are many Brazilian translators that do some work, but it doesn’t comply with Portuguese (Europe) spelling, grammar and sintax rules.

In Transifex I was awarded, not sure to which role, but I could approve, reject and change already translated strings. Is it possible to achieve same role in Weblate?

And I also agree with @BlackSpirits comment about moving strings from PT to PT-PT and remove first one.


That’s a good point. I don’t think that is possible, but I will have a look.

The screenshot translations are a much more manual process that needs a bit of back-and-forth. Most importantly, they should not be translated directly but rather in a way that sounds good. In the past, we have translated screenshots by going back and forth with the translators on the forum, generating the previews and tweaking the texts. If you want to translate the screenshots into a language, I suggest to open a new thread here on the forum, so the discussion stays in one place.

The problem here is that Android prefers pt, while the Google Play Store prefers pt-PT. This inconsistency is the reason for having different variants in different translation components

I will have a look :slight_smile: In case you notice more problems with the English base strings, a comment on the forum (maybe a new thread) or on weblate would be a good way to report.

Both of the strings are subtitles on the statistics screen. There we have something like “->3<- episodes started”. I will add a screenshot to the string on weblate to provide context. Might take a few days, though.

We haven’t discussed this internally yet, but I guess so. Will report back on that :slight_smile:

I support this to avoid mass change on already translated strings which has been reviewed as ok. If something is not right then it’s still possible to comment and ask for change. On this weblate is a lot better.

For instance someone already changed one of my translation. I added a comment pinging him and argued that his change although more literal was less good. I asked him what was his thought but no answer…

Concerned string was still to be checked once imported in app and so it can be adjusted. Especially if it is better!
Yet as weblate is a lot more easier and accessible I fear more people taking a look will want to “improve” already translated strings thinking it has been done wrong if it is not a word by word translation… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


“->3<- episodes started"
So again 1,2,10 espisode(s)?

I made you reviewers, @Matth78 and @smarquespt

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@ByteHamster Got it. Thanks

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Is there a way to unmark failing checks with strings containing some kind of HTML? The one with CDATA. Weblate wants to enforce a control about punctuations spacing.

Does it make a difference if the word “episodes” is not there? The string is currently just 1,2,10 started, without the word “episodes”.

I removed the CDATA parts. They are not really needed anyway and just add burden to translators.

Updated, thanks! I also updated the website texts.

A post was split to a new topic: statistics_episodes_started and statistics_episodes_total

For Italian, could I be set as reviewer?

On Transifex, @allin was a reviewer as well, but I don’t think he is on Weblate yet (or not with the same username anyway).

You are a reviewer :slight_smile:

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Hi, this is ghose at weblate and «pikamoku» at Transifex

please would you set my account as reviewer for galician language (gl)? Thank you.

thanks @keunes for sending me here

Will be supported in the next major update. Sorry for the late reply.

I added screenshots on Weblate that show the context. Do they help to determine the word form?

yes, thanks
but topic became new thread

and i’m waiting for “next update”