Abonnez-vous à vos\npodcasts favoris
Choississez la\nvitesse d’écoute
Gagnez du temps avec le\ntéléchargement automatique
Utilisez le thème\nqui vous convient
Paramètrez AntennaPod\nselon vos besoins
Découvrez des\nmilliers de podcasts
FYI the second one doesn’t match with screenshots which is : “Powerful player with sleep timer”.
It would translate to : “Un lecteur puissant avec un minuteur d’arrêt”
For the third one the translation is a bit long so it could be shortened with dropping “save time”. It would become : “Téléchargez automatiquement”
Sorry about that. The text is correct. I did not re-generate the screenshots after changing the text (because they need to be re-generated for 2.0.0 anyway).
Could you please have another look in context to ensure that they are correct (typos etc)? The text has to sound catchy. If the original does not work well in French, feel free to translate a bit differently.
We might need to change one of the texts later, as commented in the post above. If you have an opinion about which one to replace, feel free to comment
I think it would be best to change : Play smart with\nyour speed of choice with : Modifiez la\nvitesse de lecture
And I don’t really like translation for “Adapt AntennaPod\nto your needs” but can’ find better.
Maybe using “No adds or in-app payment” would be better than adapt to your needs. (And translation for french would be “Pas de pub et\ntotalement gratuit”
I dont’ want user to understand it as “listen binging your episodes or taking it slow”.
Using “modifiez” is less ambiguous than “adaptez” about that. There is no doubt you are speaking about changing playback speed. If not for that “adaptez” is better.
Either way I would drop “selon vos envies” because when you change a settings it’s because you prefer it that way. To write it is a little redundant and I think it’s better to have a shorter text.
To sum it up : “adaptez” is better, let’s use that.
And to correctly convey that we are speaking about the ability to change playback speed it would really help to have screenshot showing speed selection. All the more since we should have a nice dialog UI in 2.0.0. What do you think? (Everybody not just Keunes )
I’d like to speak a little bit more about screenshot with “adapt Antenna to your need”. It is somewhat similar to “selon vos envies”. Basically we are saying “hey this apps has settings and guess what ? You can change them!”
That’s why I am for dropping this one and make a screen promoting that Antenna is totally free and there isn’t anything to paid to benefit from all it’s features. It sounds a lot more attractive. (All others screen promote something)